Boosting Learning in Game-Based Sessions
A workshop exploring how to optimise player learning in a game-based training session.
30 spots left
Workshop Description
Delivered by Nicky Fuller . Nicky is a highly experienced coach developer in Netball having supported the CPD, mentoring and coach education delivery through to Level 3 with England Netball. An England age group player who has accumulated over 25 years of experience sharing her netball knowledge. 6:30-8pm (UK Time) By the end of the session coaches will be able to: · Identify the hallmarks of a great learning environment in netball coaching · Describe practical actions coaches can use to optimise player learning in coaching sessions · Evaluate what learning tools to use when in coaching environments · Evaluate current coaching practice and plan for change Places are first come, first served. Attendees are expected to have their camera on for the duration of the session. There will be no refunds available once the course has been booked.